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2015, album, Baio, CD, Chris, debut, Essex, in-store, live, LP, new, pre-order, record shop, record shops, September, shop, solo, South, Southend, The Names, Vampire Weekend, vinyl -

Our pal Chris Baio, bassist in Vampire Weekend, releases his debut solo album, The Names, in September, just before he comes to Southend to play a free lunchtime show here at South.  Facebook event page Pre-order The Names (use 'PREORDER' code at checkout for 10% off) HERE Watch the video to recent single Sister Of Pearl  

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CULTURE OF VOLUME, East India Youth, Essex, free entry, in-store, live, pre-order, South, Southend, XL Recordings -

2014 Mercury Music Prize nominee and recent XL Recordings​ signee East India Youth​ will be playing live at South on Thursday 9th April at 5pm, to celebrate the release of his second album CULTURE OF VOLUME, released three days prior.To guarantee entry (space is very limited), pre-order the album HERE (free in-store collection for locals) Facebook Event Page Listen to Turn Away from CULTURE OF VOLUME:

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albums, Essex, March, pre-order, record shop, records, releases, schedule, South, Southend, upcoming, vinyl -

  Here's the release schedule for March.  Again, sometimes record release dates go back (or cancelled all together), and there'll be additions throughout the month, but this is close enough to be getting on with.  All are available to pre-order on the site (with free in-store collection for locals).  If there's something you're interested in that's not listed here, feel free to drop us a line and we'll order it in for you - 2nd March Ata Kak – Obaa Sima Big Star – Nothing Can Hurt Me (DVD) Clarence Clarity – No Now Evans The Death – Expect...

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2015, CDs, Essex, February, pre-order, records, releases, schedule, South, Southend, upcoming, vinyl -

As we're all anxious to know when the next Rhianna album is coming I thought it might be worth putting up a list of upcoming records.  Starting by doing it for each month, otherwise you'll be trawling through a very long list.  All of these are on the site to pre-order (and don't forget, you can order and choose in-store pickup to reserve things). Worth noting that sometimes records get put back, appear from nowhere, or just cancelled all together, so this won't be gospel but close enough for now: 2nd February All We Are – All We Are Joey...

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