chuck berry, essex, record shop, record shops, records, rip, rock & roll, shop, south, southend, vinyl -

“If you had to give rock’n’roll another name, you might call it Chuck Berry,” - John Lennon RIP Chuck Berry

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1947, 2016, David Bowie, Essex, record shop, record shops, rip, shop, South, Southend, tribute -

I still remember very clearly seeing David Bowie do Starman with the Spiders From Mars on Top Of The Pops 2 in the mid-90s.  I was watching with my dad, like millions did when it was first broadcast, he didn't squirm of make any remarks about the interaction between Bowie and Ronson though, I think he noticed I was transfixed.  That was the moment it all changed. Before then I was always in to music, at that stage I was a huge fan of The Clash (still am), but was very narrow in my tastes.  Seeing Bowie on TOTP2 opened...

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Artrocker, Awful Sparks, Buffalo Bar, closing, London, MIT, RIP, South, Southend, These New Puritans -

After 14 years London's Buffalo Bar is being forced to close by its new owners Delia Sparrow from the bar says: "It is with heavy hearts that we announce the imminent closure of the Buffalo Bar. We have been served a very short notice period from our new landlords, after being here for over 14 years. They remain undecided what to do with our space. It will remain closed for the foreseeable future. Make of that what you will. So, after all this time, we will be hosting our final event on New Years Eve, 2014. This night will serve as a fundraiser...

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