Sufjan Stevens - Javelin

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Each track on ‘Javelin’ starts intimately: the trickle of an acoustic guitar, the patter of a lidded piano, and the cascade of a coruscant arpeggio. And then, of course, there is that disarming voice, the throughline in one of the most eclectic catalogues of any songwriter this century - soft but strong, as if the very scenes of hurt and hope it is about to share have only galvanized it through the decades.

‘Javelin’ pairs musical sweep with emotional breadth, an entire lifetime of feeling woven into 42- minutes. On ‘Javelin’, Sufjan, as you may know him best, returns, offering gorgeous, if pained, glimpses of himself, so that we may see ourselves more fully.

“I think it’s safe to say that Sufjan Stevens is one of the most prolific and absolutely gifted American songwriters of the 21st century.” - NPR

Includes 48-page full-colour booklet of essays and artwork by Sufjan.

LP available on Lemonade coloured vinyl in double wide spine.