Stars Of The Lid - Stars Of The Lid and Their Refinement of the Decline

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This the first time this monumental album from 2007 has been available on the vinyl format in five years. After the near symphonic exercise of engaging the void that was 'Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid' in 2001, it was hard to believe there was anything left to do. Wrong. Brian McBride and Adam Wiltzie emerged from the studio in early 2007 with the equally huge And 'Their Refinement of the Decline'. The notion of symphonic here is, without doubt, still present, but not in any normal way. Over two very differently themed discs, and three LPs, Stars of the Lid engage long conceptual ideas from a place one can only call micro-minimalism. An obsession with drones fading in and out on all kinds of instruments is what takes precedent here, whether that be a string section, a solo cello, harp, trumpet or a children's choir.