The Pink Toothbrush is 30
This month The Pink Toothbrush, the UK's longest running alternative club, celebrates its 30th anniversary and they've got some celebrity DJs (and some others) to help the party along - Terry Hall from the Specials (or as he's known amongst my friends, Terry "Fucking" Hall), the bassist from the Smiths (who always introduces himself on email as "Mike Joyce, from the Smiths", wonder if Morrissey does that?) and some others. Alongside the resident DJs, who over the years have had to put up with no end of abuse from drunken revellers demanding something other than the Killers (mostly from me, soz)
Anyway, alongside those DJs there's a documentary, which you can see below.
Anybody that's spent longer than a day in Essex and has a passing interest in guitar music (or cheap cider) has probably ended up in the Brush at some point. There was a time in my life that me and my mate Dan went every Saturday for about 18 months, we always stood in the same place too.
Everybody has stories about the place - from the Del Boy and Rodney's (you know what they are), that time some bloke jumped through the window of Boots, Daryl's burger van (and ever changing female friends), the carpet, the fact Radiohead played there (supporting the infinitely better Sultans of Ping FC), the mythical crocodiles, Depeche Mode, the list goes on...
Here's to another 30 years!