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Claude Speeed - My Skeleton

Claude Speeed - My Skeleton

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LuckyMe Records are very proud to present ‰Û÷My Skeleton‰۪, the debut album from Claude Speeed. As the founding member of hailed Scottish futurist rock groups Russia and AmericanMen amongst others, Speeed has cemented a place at the diehard centre of experimental music in Scotland, playing clubs alongside the LuckyMe roster as well as such Glasgow institutions as Nice‰Û÷n‰۪Sleazy, The Art School and Optimo.

In 2011, after a loss in his family, Speeed eschewed a day job as corporate lawyer and travelled alone through the Far East writing this record with minimal equipment before returning to Europe, settling within the artscene black hole that is today‰۪s Berlin. In early 2014 LuckyMe find themselves releasing solo projects by Speeed and Sevendeaths, both of AmericanMen. Both are frequent collaborators in bands who create sprawling synthetic hybrids of rock, minimalist classical and electronic music.

Almost every track on ‰Û÷My Skeleton‰۪ features field recordings made on far away buses, trains, airports, cities, parks, temples, forests and jungles, floors, hotels, hostels, friends‰۪ sofas. Written on a netbook with various borrowed headphones and recorded and mixed in the cold European winter at Sunwheel II in Berlin and Hudson Mohawke‰۪s studio in London.

‰Û÷My Skeleton‰۪ is both intimate and widescreen: a deliberate, dreamlike work about structures, economy, memory and loss. At moments, beneath sharp violin swells and Reichian cogs of percussive melody, a deep, hard-quantised MS10 bassline will appear to root these compositions in the now. Some moments would suit a choral room but Speeed‰۪s advice is that this grand work exploring big themes and personal trauma should to be consumed like fast food, played loud on cheap white earphones.åÊ
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